Asbestos Program and Polychlorinated Biphenyls

The Asbestos Program and Polychlorinated Biphenyls section includes the following topics.


石棉是一种天然矿物. It has been incorporated in virtually hundreds of items such as floor and ceiling tile, 汽车刹车和离合器衬里, 钢梁防火, 管道和储罐绝缘, 垫圈, 实验室通风柜内衬, 电线绝缘, 干墙接缝和抹墙化合物, fire resistant insulation in fire doors and fire curtains in theaters. 这些项目, commonly referred to as asbestos containing materials or ACM, are found in numerous facilities located on campus. A list of these facilities with known locations of asbestos containing materials is available for inspection at the 安全 Office. 临床, 流行病学, and laboratory studies have shown that exposure to airborne asbestos fibers may be detrimental to your health.

因此, 以尽量减少员工的暴露, the following University guidelines shall be strictly adhered to. The only exception is if the item(s) involved has been positively identified, 经认证/认可的化验室检验, 作为非acm. 指导方针是:

  1. Do not disturb any pipe or tank covering through any activity which may cause damage to the protective outer covering.
  2. 不要刮, 钻, 或者将物品锤入天花板瓷砖, 地砖, 或过渡衬实验室工作台顶, 内阁, 或者通风柜.
  3. Do not insert hanging plant holders into ceiling tile or pipe insulation.
  4. Do not attach items to beams or columns that are covered with fireproofing material.
  5. Do not remove or go above any ceiling tile unless clearance has been provided through the Office of Human 资源 安全 Office.
  6. 不要磨砂 or abrasively abuse any 地砖s, Transite内衬实验室台面, 内阁, 或者通风柜.
  7. 不要磨砂, 芯片, 钻 or disturb any ceramic/plaster paris items, 特别是那些建于1980年之前的.
  8. 不要磨砂, cut, chisel, 钻 or otherwise disturb any pipe or tank 垫圈.
  9. Only authorized trained Level II University personnel shall work with ACM. Proper personal protective equipment shall be utilized at all times while working with ACM. The rules and work procedures of the Maryland Asbestos Program will apply.

通过遵循这些简单的指导方针, the chance of exposure to airborne asbestos fibers can be greatly minimized.

Remember, if you are not absolutely positive the item is non-ACM, then do not disturb it. (Asbestos is dangerous when it is friable or disturbed so that fibers become airborne and are inhaled.)如有疑问, contact the Office of Human 资源 安全 Office at x4897 so arrangements can be made for sampling and laboratory analysis.



Polychlorinated biphenyls or PCB's are organic chemicals that were used in electrical equipment such as transformers and capacitors as a dielectric insulating material or cooling compound from the 1930's up until 1979 when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the final PCB rule which prohibits the manufacturing, PCB的加工或分销.

目前, all of the transformers and large capacitors that were known to be containing PCB's on the FSU campus have been removed from service and properly disposed of. The only items remaining on campus that could possibly still contain PCB's are the fluorescent light ballasts that were manufactured prior to 1979. Individual ballasts contain such a small amount of PCB that their disposal is exempt from regulation. The vast majority of PCB containing ballasts were removed in an energy conservation program that concluded in 1995. The only known exceptions are in high locations in Fine Arts and the Lane Center that could not be reached during the energy management project. Those locations were scheduled to be changed out in the fall of 1995. The Office of Human 资源 安全 Office and the Facilities Director are responsible for the management of the PCB Program at FSU. If you have an incident involving fluorescent light ballasts that were manufactured prior to 1979 and which contain a cooling liquid, there is a chance that it could contain PCBs. 你应该做到以下几点:

  1. Contact the Office of Human 资源 安全 Office at x4897 during standard work hours and the FSU 大学警察 at x4222 during non-work hours.
  2. Avoid contact with any potential PCB containing fluids. If you think you came into contact with PCB containing materials, wash the exposed area thoroughly with soap and water. Stay away from the area and keep any other employee from going to this location.

In case of an electrical fire involving a device that is suspected of containing PCB's, 你应该做到以下几点:

  1. 遵循正常的消防程序. Evacuate the area, close the door and report the fire to 大学警察 at x4222. Inform them that the fire possibly involves PCB containing materials.
  2. Be prepared to provide the Frostburg Fire Department with any information they might need regarding the incident.

Fluorescent light ballasts sometimes overheat or "burnout" and may release an odor or liquid. This situation should be distinguished from an electrical fire. The proper response to an overheated ballast is to turn off the light, 使房间通风, and clean up any spilled fluid with the proper protective equipment.

